Friday, June 6, 2014

A Great Partner

MR PHILIP ONG TONG SWAN is the Founder and Managing Director of Surewin. A great and successful brother of Ong Kean Swan, he holds the BSc (Hons) Degree in Real Estate Management from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Furthermore, Mr Philip Ong pursued the Master’s Degree by research in Real Estate and e-Commerce. Since 2003, Philip is the founding Advisor and Director of MLB International Sdn Bhd. 

Now, working together as a team with Ong Kean Swan, the two brother aims to achieve a greater height for Surewin by educating and helping their members to achieve financial freedom!


  1. DATO' PHILIP ONG is the Co-Founder of SureWin4u and International Baccarat Consultant Trainer.

    Philip was selling food and computers during his studentship at UTM. At the same time he was also selling insurance policy, direct sales and teaching at motivation training centres.

    Year 2001 - Philip was pursuing his Masters Degree at UTM when he was adjudged Champion and Best Speaker in the Inter-Varsity Chinese Debating Championship on 4th November 2001.

    Year 2003 - he took his brother Peter (now Dato’ Sri - Co-Founder, CEO and International President of SureWin4u) into a renowned MLM organic distribution firm where both became independent distributors.

    In the MLM Industry, distributors are not employees of the company. They are “freelance salesmen” earning commissions (also called bonuses) from their downline setups.

    Philip and Peter achieved the Highest Rank of Crown Star Director in that renowned MLM organic firm in 2003 while studying full-time for their respective degrees.

    To achieve the Highest Rank of Crown Star Director in that MLM organic firm, each distributor must earn RM50,000 or more per month, continuously for 6 months for the award.

    This is no small feat for both brothers who were studying full-time for their degrees; each earning RM50,000 or more per month at the age of 25 and 20 respectively. Big money value those days!

    This record made them who were full-time tertiary students, the YOUNGEST TOP EARNERS in the MLM history of Malaysia.

    NOBODY has broken this record todate!

  2. Because of this special selling point stated above, Philip and Peter were being head-hunted by the MLM bosses to be their distributors in their company start-ups. One of them was the Cafe boss.

    Being young and innocent, having no experience or exposure on the “evil” world, the brothers could not believe that their elder unscrupulous MLM bosses would take advantage of them. They worked very hard and seriously for their group members to generate breakthrough incomes for the downlines and the company.

    For the Café, they managed to gather some 170,000 member downlines in Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and Singapore.

    However, at the peak of the business their bosses absconded leaving the brothers in despair because the majority of the members were their downlines.

    The brothers fell deep in debts trying to revive the Café, but to no avail.

    Philip and his brother totally had no mountain of wealth to lean for support.

    Philip and Peter earned their first millions in their 20s, whilst studying full-time for their degrees, but lost everything to swindlers, nearly two years later.

    They picked themselves up and made it to more millions in 2008, but their bosses absconded and left the brothers in the lurch.

    Philip and Peter had only RM2000 with them gathered by the parents, and both brothers ventured abroad to Cambodia to face the brave new world.

    They hoped that in Cambodia, their money could last longer.

    Alas, this little money could not last…

    God makes a way when there seems to be no way!

    Philip won the BACCARAT KING 2009 competition in Cambodia.

    The competition title was BACCARAT KING.

    This was the beginning of their dreams for hope;
    hope for a new life; hope to make everyone’s dream comes around as Sure-Winners (圆梦赢家).

    Life lives on hope.
    Life survives on hope.
    When there is no more hope, life still hopes for hope.

    In countries where there are wars, even the brightest human folks have no hope.

    Nothing is guaranteed even in traditional business of life-long working or life-long savings.

    Nothing is precise and conclusive even with tons of life experiences and exposures.

    Good education is also no guarantee of success in life!

    But, Philip and Peter dared to dream – SUREWIN4U!

    They have worked very hard for their successes in this brave new world:

    * Braving Typhoon Muifa in Honggjiao Shanghai which destroyed a huge billboard opposite the hotel they just arrived to conduct their maiden Baccarat classes.

    * Braving the terrible derailment of the Shanghai fastest train in the world , when going to Hangzhou, and many more incidents.

    * Braving bullies and gangsterism everywhere

    Few people who have gone through this trajectory in life could lift themselves up or dare to dream.

    Life is hard, but God makes the way…

  3. Any more? That you are aware for their great dreams and hope of surewin4u?

  4. Any more? That you are aware for their great dreams and hope of surewin4u?
